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Crossword puzzles and word searches for vocabulary development

By Janet Castrejon

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Crossword puzzles and word searches are great for building foreign language vocabulary, and they are lots of fun. The puzzle booklets are usually small and are perfect for entertaining children while traveling. Take advantage of downtime to teach your child new foreign language vocabulary.

Where can I get crossword puzzles and word searches in other languages?

You can buy crossword puzzles or word search books on Amazon if they are available in your target language or make them yourself using free software if your target language uses English letters.

To search for crossword or word search books on, select "Books" and type in the language you are interested in (e.g. Italian) and the words "crossword puzzles" or "word search" in the keywords box. Another option is to type in the word "crossword puzzle" or "word search" in the language that you are searching for. For example, in Spanish crossword puzzle is "crucigrama."

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